Personality Color Test

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In the spreadsheet: compare all 4 boxes in each row, but try not to analyze each row, just get a sense of each box. Score each of the 4 boxes in every row from most to least as it describes you.

4 = Most, 3 = a lot, 2 = somewhat, 1 = least.

If your score was primarily Orange, you are energetic, spontaneous, and charming. If you’re an Orange, you tend to be action-oriented and are comfortable taking risks. You probably also tend to be competitive and seek out adventures with opportunities to push the boundaries. Living in the moment and enjoying an adaptable time schedule are important to you.

If your score was primarily Gold, your are punctual, organized, and precise. “Golds” tend to need structure and organization. If you’re a Gold, then order, rules, respect, and dependability are important to you. Time is a key part of your life if you’re a Gold personality type. You need to be on time and want others to be punctual as well. Following the plan or schedule is best for you.

If your score was primarily Blue, you are empathetic, compassionate, and cooperative. “Blues” tend to be very social people. If you’re a Blue, you value relationships and harmony. Genuine kindness, sincerity, and compassion are important to you. You enjoy opportunities to work with others and collaborate and any opportunity to develop a connection.

If your score was primarily Green, you are analytical, intuitive, and visionary. These are traits of the Green Personality type. “Greens” find innovative thinking and problem solving exciting. If you’re a Green, you tend to be able to see the big picture and able to effectively analyze situations. Thinking outside the box is a real strength. You also have an extreme need to be right.


Orange people can be considered the hands of an organization, because they are the do-ers.

Gold people can be considered the feet of any operation, because they always guide their group in the right direction.

People who are the color Blue are the heart. They feel for others, and that ability to communicate with compassion is vital for accomplishing most goals.

Scoring Green would make someone the head of a coalition. Naturally, they are the thinkers, always bringing new ideas to the table.