Lecture Notes

Introduction to Aerial Robotics (IAR)

I am giving the lecture Introduction to Aerial Robotics during WS 2018/2019 at University of Stuttgart. Here is the link again:


The material used for the course is slowly becoming a book. Stay tuned.

Nonlinear Control Theory

While I was studying for the exam of Nonlinear Control Lecture @ IST-Stuttgart, I prepared the following cheat-sheets for myself.

They can be considered as "recap" for known nonlinear control theory concepts.

Notice that the information in the documents might be incoherent in some sense, even wrong. With this disclaimer in mind, I find them quite useful as a guide for Khalil's book.

I would be happy if you could give me feedback on them, so they can be better!

Well, here you go:

  1. #NLCFactCheck : A cheat sheet aims to localize the important definitions, theorems and lemmas in the book.

  2. #NLCStabilityConnection : A cheat sheet aims to summarize the connection between different stability concepts, and to localize them in the book.

Consider that these documents might be updated.