Rube Goldberg Machine

In this project, you will learn about Rube Goldberg machines (complicated devices designed to accomplish simple tasks) and design and build a machine that uses more than six separate steps to move an empty aluminum can.

Project Requirements:

Design Challenge: 40 points
  1. Design and build a machine that uses more than six separate steps to move an empty aluminum can. You can either work individually, in pairs, or in groups of three, but must follow these rules:
    • The entire project must fit inside an imaginary box that is one meter in each dimension.
  2. Students may start the device in any way, but the starting step should not require large force or careful aiming.
  3. To count as a separate step, the action must involve a change in the type of energy used. For example, three successive objects rolling down a ramp are not acceptable because all three are changes in gravitational potential energy.
  4. The final step must move the aluminum can at least 0.5 meter vertically, horizontally, or some combination of the two. The can may move outside of the imaginary box, but it should do so in a safe manner. Do not use high-speed projectiles!
Assessment: 60 points
  1. One week before the due date, students will turn in a written description of the machine's steps from start to finish, including sketches of the parts.
  2. On the due date, students will turn in a final written description of their machine and its steps along with completed machine.
  3. When class starts, they will have 10 minutes to make final adjustments. Then let the testing begin! Each machine should work unaided: A student should not have to touch it to start the first step or at any time until the aluminum can completes its motion.