LED Wearables

During this activity, you’ll construct a working and wearable circuit. You’ll experiment with a battery, conductive thread, conductive tape and an LED to learn how to connect a circuit, and then design a way for it to work on a wrist cuff, a badge, or any other wearable item.

Design Challenge: 40 points

Make a wearable/light up circuit. The more intricate your design, the more points awarded. The picture above would not be considered intricate. Prior to sewing, get design feedback from Mrs. Bullard.

Assessment: 60 points

Drawings of your design and the electrical connections that it entails.

Paper version of circuit made with copper tape as well.

Document your work progress via Aurasma. The trigger image will be your sewn item and the aura will be a video of you working and explaining the process of making a sewable circuit. Video should explain the challenges and difficulties you overcame and what you learned about circuits or electricity through completing this project.