Glow Doodlers

With this project, you will make LED-light electronic paintbrushes to paint with Glow Doodle software.

Step-by-Step Instructions to load Glowdoodler Software

Download the app Glowdoodler Software Zip File Download

  • Go to your downloads folder and extract it
  • Go to chrome
  • Click on the three bars icon in the top right
  • Go to more tools -> extensions
  • Click the checkbox developer mode in the top right
  • Click Load unpacked extension..
  • Navigate to the folder you extracted and press ok
  • Click launch, your'e done!
  • Video tutorial here or at

Project Requirements:

Design Challenge - 20 points
  • Build two LED Electronic Pens following the Burker methods
  • Optional - Build a Light Graffiti Spray Can (Instructables)
  • Create a Glowdoodle Art Panel (color-printed screenshots of your best work) for display in the Library
  • Document your work in a Blog Post via SeeSaw (Directions for SeeSaw)

Assessment (Blog Post) - 40 points

  • Pictures of your light pen
  • Pictures of your best screen capture images (art work)
  • What you learned on this project (tell me something you did not know)
Assessment (Work Product) - 40 points
  • Your three best light paintings for display in Library.
  • Share your screen capture images with me on a Shared Google Drive