Robot Head Pencil Top

Design a Robot Head Pencil Top using the scripted 3D lesson in the pdf attachment - copied from Make: 3D Printing; The Essential Guide to 3D Printers; Compiled by Anna Kaziunas France; article written by Blake Maloof

Project Requirements:

Design Challenge: 40 points

Draw, Design, and Print 5 Robot Head Pencil Toppers using Tinkercad (get login info from Mrs. B). Pencil toppers must fit pencil without falling off.

Assessment: 60 points
  • Photos and captions - minimum of 5 photos of screen captures showing intermediate steps of you designing the robot head - that is, "making" photos; 0, 5 or 10
  • Cut-away photo screenshot to prove you designed a shell and not a solid top: 0, 5, or 10
  • Photo of your completed project: 0, 5 or 10
  • Picture of you and your robot heads (need to see who made what): 0, 5 or 10
  • Reflection - 50-100 word reflection (what was easy, what was difficult, and what you did to modify your design from the scripted lesson): 0. 10 or 20