British Society for Phenomenology, Lived Experience in Theory & in Practice


Check out the final draft of the BSP2023AC schedule: BSP2023AC Schedule version 1.7 (Final).


The first shared version of the schedule (version 1.1) was released on 6th August for review by speakers. Version 1.2 was released on 14th August incorporating updates and further information. This version is pretty much the final draft, except for some minor updates due soon such as Keynote paper titles and timings of evening activities. Version 1.3 added some minor updates, most significantly, Keynote paper titles. Version 1.4 (27 August) added some clarity on location of cafe for breaks/lunch, and time of conference meal. Version 1.5 (Early 29.08.2023): Updated Day 1 for withdrawls and alternative presentation methods - 1 known withdrawal and 1 person presenting using a video. Version 1.6 (6:00 am 30.08.2023): Updated for Day 2, both retroactively for day 1 and for day 2 and 3 for withdrawals, reschedulings, and format changes. Version 1.6.1 (8:15 am 30.08.2023): Updated for chairs to sessions in 3.12 for day 1 and 2. Version 1.7 (Final): Final draft (01/09/2023) reflecting all people who presented at the event (without reference to prior withdrawals or rescheduling and changes in format due to air traffic issues in UK at beginning of event).