Testing Results

Reflected here is data from a nine days of obvserving the black soldier flies along with the testing protocol.

Purpose: Monitor behavior and harvesting rate of BSF larvae and environmental conditions of the design solution.

Testing Procedures:

1. Prepare the harvesting bin by lining the inner bin with 3 inches of pine shavings as substrate.

2. Measure initial average weight of a BSF larvae and record finding.

3. Measure the starting quantity of BSF larvae and record finding.

4. Measure ambient temperature and relative humidity.

5. Introduce BSF larvae to the harvesting bin.

6. Get a control sensor reading before introducing food waste to the bin.

7. Add and record amount of food waste to the system.

8. Monitor time it takes for the BSFs to consume the food waste. Pay special attention to the behavior of the BSFs. Answer important questions such as:

a. Do the BSFs congregate to one place?

b. Do the BSFs avoid climbing the ramp until pupation?

c. Are environmental conditions remaining healthy for optimal BSF growth?

d. Does more ventilation need to be introduced?

e. Does a heating element need to be introduced?

f. Does a cooling element need to be introduced?

9. Continue monitoring BSF behavior and environmental conditions until pupation. Ensure BSFs are traveling to harvest bucket upon pupation.

10. After pupation of most BSFs, measure the final quantity of BSF. Make note of average weight gain and overall mortality rate.

BSF Feeding Testing Data.xlsx