Snow White

Snow White  11th May 2024

Culturel Center Wolubilis : Cours Paul-Henri Spaak 1,1200 Bruxelles Belgique (Metro: Rodebeek)

2 shows at 11AM (11h) and 4PM (16h) Belgium time

Snow White : Fiamma Balzano (Italy) / Jade  Roebben (Belgium)

Photography : Irene_ganau (Irene G photography)

location: Repetto Paris (Brussels)

Snow White

This ballet is based on a fairy tale by The Brothers Grimm and takes the vibrant style

of a Disney animated movie. It is a colorful and lively production that is suitable for all

ages. The story of the beautiful princess Snow White is transformed into a magical

dance spectacle. Classical ballet, theater, a celebrity as a narrator, dancing animals,

and a dose of humor come together to create an unforgettable experience for the

whole family!

This ballet is a perfect introduction to ballet for children. It is an hour-long, narrated

version of the classic fairy tale, performed by young talented dancers from Brussels

City Ballet. The production is designed to be accessible and engaging for young audiences.

Premiere <Snow White> 🍎

Date:  13th January 2024, Saturday at 4PM.   SOLD OUT

            14th January 2024, Sunday at 11AM / 3:30PM  SOLD OUT

Location: Center for Fine Arts (BOZAR) 

Public : for all age welcome

Music : Classical Music by Stravinsky and Schostakovich 

Dancers : Brussels City Ballet

Choreograph : Aki Nishio

photography: erik_enthierens

Date: 21st January 2024, Sunday 5PM  SOLD

Location : CC Nivelles (Waux-Hall)

Tickets booking here (click link)      

Blanche Neige / Snow White (