Brussels City Ballet 

season 23/24


Carmen (click to more info)

8 June W:Hall

9 June W:Hall

22 June CC Wolubilis

New Full length Ballet for especially young public and all ages can enjoy. This ballet is free to feel and express from public. Our ballet dancers are getting ready to touch your child/ childhood heart. 

This new Ballet has theme < Be kind to each other >

This Winter, Why not to discover new fairly tale ballet Snow White which is made in Brussels

Performance duration : 1 hour 10 min

Brussels City Ballet in Atelier La Monnaie!

October 22nd Sunday  and 28th Saturday !

Brussels City Ballet is a professional new ballet company in Belgium.

FIGURES in  TRAV'LIN' LIGHT’   in a choreography by Aki Nishio is performed as the first production in Brussels.
All dancers live and work in Belgium and testify during the performance, through a purified body language, about the way in which they experience their existence as human beings in society.

The new ballet company interprets, sometimes with humor, experiences such as love, friendship, identity, fear, aggression and moments of trust and delight.

The performances are always accompanied live by the Satellite Quartet with music by Schubert, Mozart, Bach, Piazzolla and others.

RTBF article 


TV BRUZZ interview 


Brussels City BalletFigures in trav'lin' light (premiere in Bozar)
copyright @QORE PICTURES

Brussels City Ballet

Brussels City Ballet(BCB)is a professional ballet company which performs classic, neo-classic and contemporary ballet. Located in Brussels, the center of Europe, BCB creates opportunities for Belgian educated and international ballet dancers so young students get the chance to explore their passion.

There has been no professional ballet company in Brussels for a long time, making this come true again is BCB's dream

From traditional classical ballet to the new creations, BCB wants to touch the audience's emotions by creating emotions and pass the vibes of beauty to the new generations.

In Brussels City Ballet there is room for young dancers, experienced dancers, ballet masters, choreographers. The meeting place is the studio formerly used by the Béjart Company, now supported by the ‘Conservatoire de la Danse de Bruxelles’. This sacred place is located in the house where Maurice Béjart spent an important part of his life. Brussels City Ballet is very attached to the history of this unique location and wants to radiate this through her dancers.