Atelier at la monnaie

Ballet in La Monnaie after over the 30 years!

Brussels City Ballet Demonstration (limited seats!)

3 Events in one day. 4 entrances. You can take 1 event to all events.



Ballet Company Training Demonstration and PAQUITA 2nd act

Price : 18 euro

Max: 40 seats, no seat number. you can sit where you like.


<Event 2> 



Price : 18 euro

Max: 40 seats. no seat number. You can sit where you like.


<WORKSHOP for Children> beginners welcome too.

12:30PM-1:30PM group 1 (6y-10y)

1:45PM-2:45PM group 2 (11y-14y)

This is an unique and beautiful moments our dancers and young public can meet and exchange passion and fun in the studio at La Monnaie.

BCB dancers will lecture ballet positions, movements, answering your questions and also share the new choreography from premiere SNOW WHITE in January 2024.

This workshop will be a great opportunity to meet in one place both current ballet dancers and young new generation who has intrest in ballet. It will be beautiful meeting and create a moments together.

Our dancers speak: Dutch, French, English, Japanese, Italian, Spanish. 

Clothes: come with comfortable outfit. if you have ballet sof shoes, you can bring it. If you don't have, with socks.

Go to the bathroom before the workshop, please.

Price: 12 euro (6-10y)/ 15 euro (11-14y)

If parent(s)/ friend(s) wish to watch workshop or stay with child in same room. We ask 1 euro per person for your chair.

Max: 20 children in each group.




Brussels City Ballet


BE46 0019 4983 9436

communication (Name, how many tickets for Event 1/ Event 2/ Workshop group 1 or 2)

Tickets income is for renting room, dance carpet, barre, music system and BCB 17 dancers who will perform 8 hours for the public, and students job who welcome you from entrace door to the event room which is essential for security reason from La Monnaie.