Social secs

SOCIAL MEDIA SECRETARY A Guide to the Role Last updated: Summer 2023 ROLE SUMMARY: Our Social Media Secretaries are vital to maintaining the club's professional image and communicating news with members. This role is very important to fulfilling many Balloon criteria, and expanding the reach of our club. Their primary responsibiliy is to ensure up-to-date information on the opportunities our club offers is easily accessible to potential members and/or supporters. Additionally, they are key to our sponsorship offer. EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Gather the necessary passwords and logins from the prior social secretary. • Maintain a professional image on the Spartans channel: do not swear, do not make any references to drugs/sex/"initiations"/excessive alcohol, do not use discriminatory language, keep posts relevant. • Maintain, at least for posts, a somewhat consistent theme. The profile should look clean and tidy. • Keep the group link tree up-to-date. • Create and share Canva templates ready to have information and photos added for: upcoming games, games scores, teamsheets, information posts, upcoming event posts, events that have happened etc. • Regular posts about upcoming games. • Ensure SU profile, Website (with President's assistance), Facebook bio, and instagram "Meet the Committee", Trials, Preseason and Training information is kept up-to date. • Contribute to sharing event information to Socials WhatsApp chat. • Update instagram story highlights. • Uploading instagram posts as requested by other committee members (via Google form). • Respond to (or forward on to the appropriate person via screenshot) any Instagram and Facebook DMs. TOP TIPS: • Encourage committee members to submit post requests via the form - this means someone can take over from you in an emergency, and keeps the information in one place that is accessible to all. • Make templates for posts early in the year, and share these with your committee, so they can be used in your absence in case of emergency/illness. • Carefully discuss with the President, Secretarial VP and Wellbeing to ensure you are aware of any players which do not consent/are otherwise not permitted to feature on our social media channels. GOLD BALLOON: ALL! Key to providing evidence. Notably: 1 - updated webpage 2 - demonstrate affiliation 3 - advertise GIAG 13 - EDI based posts 15 - advertise fundraiser 16 - advertise PLUS award PRIORITIES: • Refreshing relevant pages at the start of the year (website to be done in conjunction with President) • Uploading instagram posts as requested by other committee members (via Google form). • Regular posts about upcoming games. • Responding to/forwarding on Instagram and Facebook DMs PREVIOUSLY: • Sophie Hawkins & Dominic Ascough [2023-24] • Bismarck Bishwakarama & Eduardo Requena Miravelles [2022-23] • lade Harcourt Harrison & Elliot Hunt [2021-22] • Oshi Morris Todd & Anna Francesca Pollard 2020-211
SU Code of Conduct Initiations.pdf

Initiations and Peer Pressure


Any events involving alcohol should always have a non-alcoholic alternative.

Taken from SU Code of Conduct (Summer 2023)

Bullying and Harassment

As social secs, you have a particular responsibility to ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued at out our club. Lead by example and call out unacceptable behaviour/language. 

If you are concerned by anything you see, speak to coaches and President/VPs.

Taken from SU Code of Conduct (Summer 2023)

SU Code of Conduct Bullying.pdf
SU Event Planning.pdf

SU Large Event Planning Guidance

This may come in handy when planning fundraisers, all-star weekends, large tournaments and formals!

Refer to the above graphic for a quick start to mindmapping your event.

Full Contract with Mocha Mocha

Important Notes:


Constitution 23-24 .docx

Summary of Contract with White Bear 2022-23

Important Notes: