

4th September - 22nd September 2023



Please remember to only attend sessions you are elgible for. Arrive on time, warmed-up and with a full water bottle.

Social Schedule

During term-time, almost every Wednesday evening we host a social event. Details of these are uploaded to our instagram stories, and to a dedicated Whatsapp chat. 

Wednesday night socials are often the form of post-match pre-drinks at our wonderful sponsors, The White Bear Social Clwb in High Kingsdown. From here, our resident party animals will often be found clubbing on the Triangle or elsewhere. As a club, we love to boogie, and we always welcome more players to our dance circle.

We also host two formals per year, one at Christmas and one in Summer. These are opprtunties to dress up smart and celebrate the successes and new friendships of the year.

We have a broad range of non-drinking events, organised by our dedicated  "Sober Socials Secretary". These include coffee mornings, paint-balling, 3v3 tournamnets and much more!

If you'd like to be added to the Socials Whatsapp, please get in contact with a captain or commitee members. 

If you have any suggestions for how we could widen the reach of our socials, or make them more inclusive, we would love to hear from you.