Mobilizing support in Indonesia towards COP15

Hosted in Bali, Jakarta, and Virtually on November 25-29, 2022

+130 people from +40 institutions

On November 25-29, I had the incredible pleasure of hosting the 30x30 Youth Ocean Conference in Bali, Jakarta, and virtually to mobilize support for ocean protection towards COP15. Engaging +130 people from +40 institutions, participants had the opportunity to learn from the amazing speakers and create letters to world leaders, among other activities.

The first stop of the conference was held on November 25th at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Bali. Participants brainstormed solutions to Bali's most critical environmental concerns as a team. We were joined by speakers from Jaladharma Diving Club and PPLH who shared about responsible diving and policy advocacy on plastic waste.

The next day, we hosted a virtual conference joined by Coral Triangle Center's Rili Djohani (Executive Director) and Marthen Welly (Marine Conservation Advisor). Participants learned about 30x30, the importance of MPAs, and engaged in a fun learning activity about ocean acoustics.

Finally, on November 29th, the last stop of the conference took place in Indonesia's largest indoor aquarium - the Jakarta Aquarium & Safari. We were joined by Amehr Hakim (Marine Conservation Area Coordinator) from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries who shared about MPAs in Indonesia and the country's commitments to protecting the ocean. We were also joined by Andre Saputra (Marine Scientist/Geologist, Founder and Director of Indonesia Biru Foundation) who shared about his experiences in marine conservation.

Bali, November 25, 2022

Virtual, November 26, 2022

30x30 YOC - Cut Version.mp4

Jakarta, November 29, 2022

Brigitta Maria Andrea Gunawan 🇮🇩 on Instagram: "The 30x30 Youth Ocean Conference took place in 3 locations this past week: • November 25th at the P3E Building, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bali • November 26th via Zoom • November 29th at the Jakarta Aquarium & Safari Learned a lot about what the government is doing, 30x30 commitments and marine protected areas from Bp. Amehr Hakim from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and from NGOs like @indonesiabirufoundation @coraltrianglecenter @pplh_bali @jaladharmadivingclub A huge thank you to Philippe Cousteau, founder of @earthecho , Ibu Suzy Hutomo, chairperson of @thebodyshopindo , and Ibu Rili Djohani, Director of @coraltrianglecenter for a powerful message. Thank you @earthecho @sean_russell92 , and all the inspiring speakers, volunteers, collaborators, and participants! #30x30indonesia #oceanecho30x30"Brigitta Maria Andrea Gunawan 🇮🇩 shared a post on Instagram: "The 30x30 Youth Ocean Conference took place in 3 locations this past week: • November 25th at the P3E Building, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Bali • November 26th via Zoom • November 29th at the Jakarta Aquarium & Safari Learned a lot about what the government is doing, 30x30 commitments and marine protected areas from Bp. Amehr Hakim from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and from NGOs like @indonesiabirufoundation @coraltrianglecenter @pplh_bali @jaladharmadivingclub A huge thank you to Philippe Cousteau, founder of @earthecho , Ibu Suzy Hutomo, chairperson of @thebodyshopindo , and Ibu Rili Djohani, Director of @coraltrianglecenter for a powerful message. Thank you @earthecho @sean_russell92 , and all the inspiring speakers, volunteers, collaborators, and participants! #30x30indonesia #oceanecho30x30". Follow their account to see 160 posts.
Institut Palu Keadilan 🏛 on Instagram: "Jumat, 25 November 2022 Malleum Iustitiae Institute mengikuti workshop 30X30 Youth Ocean Conference dengan pembicara oleh Brigitta Maria sebagai Duta 30X30 Indonesia, Indra Wahyuni dari PPLH Bali, dan Gusti Bagus Kharisdio dari Jaladharma Diving Club Melalui workshop ini generasi muda didorong untuk membawa semangat berkontribusi dalam konservasi alam. Workshop ini mengenalkan pentingnya bahwa sekurang-kurangnya 30% lautan dunia harus dilindungi sebelum 2030! Hal ini sejalan dengan hasil KTT G20 yang disepakati komitmen para pemimpin G20 untuk setidaknya melindungi 30% dari daratan dunia dan 30% lautan dunia pada tahun 2030, hal ini sekaligus menlanjutkan komitmen dalam mengurangi degradasi tanah sampai 50% di tahun 2040 secara sukarela. #30x30Indonesia #MalleumIustitiaeInstitute #MII2022 #INFOGRAFIS"Institut Palu Keadilan 🏛 shared a post on Instagram: "Jumat, 25 November 2022 Malleum Iustitiae Institute mengikuti workshop 30X30 Youth Ocean Conference dengan pembicara oleh Brigitta Maria sebagai Duta 30X30 Indonesia, Indra Wahyuni dari PPLH Bali, dan Gusti Bagus Kharisdio dari Jaladharma Diving Club Melalui workshop ini generasi muda didorong untuk membawa semangat berkontribusi dalam konservasi alam. Workshop ini mengenalkan pentingnya bahwa sekurang-kurangnya 30% lautan dunia harus dilindungi sebelum 2030! Hal ini sejalan dengan hasil KTT G20 yang disepakati komitmen para pemimpin G20 untuk setidaknya melindungi 30% dari daratan dunia dan 30% lautan dunia pada tahun 2030, hal ini sekaligus menlanjutkan komitmen dalam mengurangi degradasi tanah sampai 50% di tahun 2040 secara sukarela. #30x30Indonesia #MalleumIustitiaeInstitute #MII2022 #INFOGRAFIS". Follow their account to see 24 posts.