Notes on type design

Type design / Notes on type design

Long ago and far away

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts was founded in 1754, a birthday present to King Frederik V. In 1996 I was invited there to teach a short course in type design.

New home

My notes were uploaded in 1998. In those days internet access was generally by dial-up modem. That meant simple text and small, low-resolution images. Still, they were better than nothing. And not much structured advice about type design was on offer.

The course took my students through a basic character set of a modular typeface family (simple grid, three widths, three weights). Then Monotype and Adobe licensed the design, Briem Akademi, which has had respectable sales over two decades.

Now my friend Adam Twardoch suggests my notes may be of interest to FontLab users. This link will get you to their new home. Good luck. Take care. Have fun.



For the benefit of Hispanic readers, my effort has been liberally recycled in Taller de tipografía digital by Rafael Quiroz.