Briem in Tipoteca Italiana

Free books / Briem in Tipoteca Italiana

Alphabets and filler texts

Fifty pieces, reproduced in one-fourth of original size

Briem in Tipoteca Italiana. Exhibition of Lettering Prints

Tipoteca Italiana is private foundation that fosters the arts of letterpress printing and handset typography. Its mission is to highlight the rich history and significant contributions of Italian type designers. It houses not only an extraordinary collection of metal and wood typefaces, but also maintains an archive and an extensive printing library. Tipoteca is located in Cornuda, a small city north of Treviso, in the heart of the Veneto Region of Italy.

Gunnlaugur SE Briem is a designer, handwriting guru and occasional publisher.


Print-quality Acrobat document, 53.2 MB. Download Briem Catalogue Italian

Smallest-file-size Acrobat document, 3.2 MB. Download Briem Catalogue Italian

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