
Our lab welcomes applicants from any ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender identity, caregiver and family commitments, and eligible age or disability status. We are committed to maintaining a supportive and collaborative lab environment for doing rigorous science.

Prospective PhD Students

*Dr Hsieh will not take new PhD student for Fall 2024 intake

Prospective students should email Dr Hsieh ( with your CV and a brief summary of your research experience and interests. Such communication will allow for clarification of issues regarding research opportunities, potential for funding, and other issues that the prospective applicants might have questions about. Applications are considered at any time of the year, although studentships are only available for students who wish to join in Fall every year. Please note that Dr Hsieh will not be reviewing studentship applications from prospective students before the applications are due. This is to ensure equitability across applicants.

Students accepted into the PhD program at Kingston will be given numerous opportunities to be involved in intensive laboratory works and the writing and presentation of papers. Students completing a PhD degree in the BREAD lab will generally have 2-3 publications in peer-reviewed journals as the lead author, have presented at international conferences (e.g., annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research [SPR], bi-annual meeting of the Forum of European Neuroscience Societies [FENS], annual congress of the European College of Sport Science [ECSS], bi-annual World Congress on ADHD), and be prepared to continue as an independent researcher. In addition to research, PhD students at Kingston would also have opportunities to teach undergraduate modules.

Learn more about doing PhD at Kingston

How to apply for a research degree at Kingston 

Undergraduate Research Students

We are actively looking for undergraduate research students for February to July 2024

Many of the best learning experiences happen outside the classroom and getting involved in research provides students with the opportunity to gain new skills and insight that will further their education and provide needed background for postgraduate study in psychology. We are actively looking for highly motivated undergraduate students to assist with ongoing research projects and manuscript writing. Undergraduate research students in the BREAD lab can be involved in activities such as administration of exercise tests and neuropsychological assessments, preparation and measurement of neuroelectric activity and other psychobiological markers, and data management. Additionally, students who have played a significant role in research will have the opportunity to earn authorship on scientific publications. Students will have the opportunity to work closely with PhD students and Dr Hsieh. These experiences will not only become an addition to your undergraduate learning, but also prepare you for future postgraduate and PhD opportunities. Some of our previous and current lab members are now studying in or being accepted by postgradaute programme at top universities, including UCL, KCL, Lancaster, and Nottingham. If you are interested in learning more about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Dr Hsieh ( with a brief summary of your research interests and why you want to join the lab as research students.

 Testimonials from our research students

"Working in the BREAD Lab as a research student since last year was an incredibly rewarding experience. I assisted on multiple projects, gaining hands-on experience with EEG and a variety of cognitive tasks. This hands-on experience has deepened my understanding of psychological research, while simultaneously enhancing my career prospects. I believe the skills and knowledge I acquired in the lab significantly strengthened my MSc application, demonstrating my practical knowledge and dedication to the field. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the BREAD lab, and found it particularly interesting to be actively involved in the psychological research process" -- Rebecca Maguire, member 2023-2024

"Being a part of BREAD Lab embodied me with qualities I still use to this day for my PhD journey. When I first started as a research assistant there, I did not have any prior experience and was nervous about the data collection. However, after a lot of training and familiarisation with the methods and procedures, I became confident and able to run most of the processes independently. Following my contribution to the Lab, I embarked on a PhD after realising my passion for research, and still use some of the practices and theoretical knowledge I acquired during my time at BREAD Lab" -- Angelos Bala, member 2022-2023

"The hands-on research allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge and refined my analytical skills, enabling me to approach my current research in an efficient manner. Additionally, collaboratcollaborating with students from different specializations enabled a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. This experience fueled my passion for psychology and provided me with invaluable insights that continue to inform my practice, allowing me to make meaningful contributions to the field" -- Maria Sweiss, member 2022-2023