Camp Details
Camp Age Range
This camp is open to students who are entering 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
Drop- off and pick-ups will be split between West Elementary and the Burlingame Caltrain station. On days when we take the private, chartered bus, the drop- off and pick- up will be at West Elementary and on the days when we take public transportation, the drop- off and pick- up will be at the Caltrain station. Prior to our daily departure, we will preview the itinerary and go over trip expectations.
Most camp days will last from 9-3:00pm.
Click here to see the schedules for specific times.
As we explore the Bay Area, some days we will use a private chartered bus and other days we will use public transportation. The forms of public transportation we will use will be Caltrain to San Francisco and San Jose.
Private Bus
Our private bus will be provided by Professional Chartered Services. This company provides bus drivers that are fully SPAB certified to handle youth groups like Bouncin' Round the Bay. SPAB certification means that the drivers have passed a background check, medical exam, and have been fingerprinted. Our group will be using their 36-passenger bus (shown below) or their 40-Passenger bus.
To register for camp, please visit Hillsborough Recreation ActiveNet and Select Bouncin' Round the Bay.
Registration Information is coming soon.