5774-02 New Jersey and Baltimore

The Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim shlit”a, in the footsteps of his father, the Bostoner Rebbe zt”l, has been travelling to Jewish communities in the United States and around the world since he became Rebbe almost four years ago. Just as his father did, the main goal is to bring the warmth and flavor of Bostoner Chassidus to English speaking Jewish communities, spreading Torah perspectives and niggunim in the Boston tradition. In addition, the Rebbe distributes his Sefarim on the Rambam’s Mishnah Torah, known as Peirush HaMeir, which he presents to the many yeshivas, shuls, kollels and beis midrash halls that he visits.

In every Jewish community the Rebbe gets together with friends and followers who were in Boston during the three decades that the Rebbe shlit”a was there with the Rebbe zt”l, or who have live in the Boston Community in Har Nof in the past or present. Often the Rebbe meets with their children and grandchildren as the connection between Bostoner Chassidus and these families continues through the generations. Of course the Rebbe also meets with dozens and dozens of new individuals, couples and families who either have some connection to Boston, or seek out the Rebbe for his blessings and his counsel.

On this particular trip in October 5774, the Rebbe spent Parshas Lech Lecha with the Jewish community of Passaic, and Parshas Vayeira with the community of Baltimore. Aside from visiting as many shuls in the community as possible, the Rebbe also travels to the local Jewish schools to greet thousands of school children of all ages on every trip.

In New Jersey, the Rebbe visited with students of Yeshiva of North Jersey, the Frisch School, Yavneh Academy, in Paramus; Rabbi Jacob Joseph, in Edison; and YBH Hillel in Passaic, and Torah Academy of Bergen County in Englewood.

Photo Credits: R' Josh Kahn

Over Shabbos he Davened and spoke at various shuls in Passaic including Ahavas Israel, Adas Israel, Bais Torah U’Tefilah, Kehilas Bais Yosef, Yeshiva Emek Yehoshua and The Wolf Shul.

The Rebbe also visited with Yeshiva Har Torah in Little Neck, NY

In Maryland, the Rebbe visited with students of TA Baltimore, Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore, Bais Yaakov of Baltimore, Maalot Baltimore, Bais Midrash and Mesivta of Baltimore, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Yeshivas Neimas HaTorah, Yeshivas Ahavas Torah, Toras Chaim; as well as Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy in Silver Spring.

Over Shabbos in Baltimore the Rebbe Davened and spoke at various shuls including Shomrei Emunah, Bais HaKnesses Ohr HaChaim, Kehillas Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek, Congregation Kol Torah, Shomrei Mishmeres HaKodesh and the Baltimore Community Kollel.

On Sunday the Rebbe participated and spoke at the Hachnasas Sefer Torah at Congregation Ohr Simcha, along with Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, the Stropkover Rebbe and other Rebbeim from the community.

The Rebbe returned to Eretz Yisroel on Tuesday October 22nd, and is scheduled to visit the Jewish community of Dallas in January.

(Special thanks to Jeff Cohn and Frank Storch for photo credits)