The Lion and the Mouse

Puppet Time

Create puppets to use when retelling the story. Draw each character, cut it out, and place it on the end of a popsicle stick, straw, or pencil. Use the puppets to act the story out.

Coupon Book

Talk about kindness and make a kindness coupon booklet (ex. Help with trash; Make the bed; pick up toys; feed or walk the dog; put groceries away; and etc.)

Act it Out

Create a lion mask by cutting out the center of a paper plate. Cut strips of yellow and orange paper and glue them in a pattern along the outside of the plate. Retell the story, pretending to be the lion.

Big Word: Moral

A moral is a lesson learned from the story. Discuss what a moral is with your child. Then ask, "What moral or lesson have you learned from this story?"

Basket Trap

As a family talk about how difficult it may be for the lion to get out of the net in the story. Have parents set up a basket with small items inside. (For example you could place; small animals, beads, small bows, small toy car, etc.) Parents will then weave yarn back and forth across the top of the basket to cover the small items inside the basket. Discuss ways to get the items out of the basket (problem solving skills) and what tools you could use around the house to get the items out of the basket. Then try it and see what happens. "What happens if you try to remove more than one item at a time?"

Letter Hunt

Search for the letters "Ll & Mm" throughout the book. Talk about the letter sounds and other words that might begin with that same initial sound.