Frog on a Log?

Rhyming Cube

Create a "Rhyming Cube!" Using a small cube or box, glue pictures (or draw them) of common words. For example: ship, door, dog, cat, key, and tree. Have your child come up with rhyming words for each picture after rolling the rhyming cube!

Rhyme Race

Clip a picture to each child’s shirt and have them find their rhyming partner. If you don’t have multiple children, pin the pictures on stuffed animals and have the child match them.)

I Spy

Think of a word in the room (for example, bed) and say, “I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with red.” Challenge the child to find it and then have their own turn.

Make a Frog Puppet

Watch the YouTube video above to make a paper plate puppet. Then use the puppet to retell the story.


Frog Counting Cards

Use the printable above to create frog counting cards.

Color matching lilypads.pdf

Color Matching

Use the printable above to create a color matching game.