The Caring Me I Want to Be

Rhyme Time

During a second read aloud ask your child to listen for words that rhyme. Remind them that rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound. (Examples: bug /rug, troll/bowl, blue/new, etc.). After listening to the story, ask your child to draw a picture of two things that rhyme.

Kindness Challenge

Take a picture of your child the next time you see them doing something kind then show the picture to your child and discuss how that kind act benefits others and makes them feel.

Friendship Salad.pdf

Friendship Salad

Explain to your child that the big bowl is your family/community. There are many important things our community needs. Make sure to explain that it really needs good friends and happy days! Click the image above to view the recipe for friendship salad.


Kind Acts Bingo

Visit PBS Kids for additional resources.

Safe Space

Create a safe space in your home for times when your child needs to decompress. Add pillows, a squishy ball, stuffed animals, blankets, any items that bring your child comfort. Explain to them that this is a place where they can go when they feel upset/stressed. Talk with them about and practice taking deep breaths when they feel angry.

Warm Fuzzy Jar

Fill your jar with warm fuzzies (pompoms, cotton balls, etc.)! Each time you help a family member or do a kind deed for a neighbor, add a pompom to the jar. When the jar is full, do something fun as a family!

Kindness Rules

Discuss with your family what it means to care for each other and the ways you all show your love to each other. Create a list of the rules you have at home. Next to each rule write down how you think that rule shows love and connection within your family members.

"I Care" Book

Create your own caring/kindness book that shows how you show caring/kindness to your friends, your family, and to your community.

Ways to Donate

  • Donate clothes to those in need.

  • Donate books or start a "Little Free Library" in your neighborhood.

  • Prepare a meal and deliver it to a neighbor, friend, or relative.

Thankful Hat

Put the names of each family member on small pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Draw names and take turns saying one nice thing about the person whose name was drawn from the hat.

Make a Face

Act out different feelings. How do you look when you’re mad? Excited? Sad? Happy? Lonely? Frustrated? You may also consider using a mirror so the child can see their facial expressions as well.

Thankful Start

Name/list things that you are thankful for. Begin each day or car ride to school with listing things we are thankful for.