Results- 2018

Below is Preliminary overall results from the 2018 GBomb Festival.

We will tidy them up and get full category results up soon.

Saturday xco Race 1 - u17, open, masters

ResultsByAthleteType XCO1 2018.pdf

Saturday xco Race 2 - u15, u11

ResultsByAthleteType XCO2 2018.pdf

Saturday 6hr endurance - Overall

OverallResults_Classic FINAL.pdf

Sunday forest Flow XC 22.5km

The third race for the GBomb was the Forest Flow, run for us by Adventurethon as part of the Clarence Valley Adventurethon Demolish. the results for GBomb competitors can be found in the Enduro category (Although a few of our regulars had a go at the 45km!!)