2018 GBOMB FAQ's.pdf

Download and print the FAQ file here, or read below.

Where is Bom Bom State Forest?

Bom Bom State Forest is about 9km south of Grafton on Lillypool Road, Bom Bom, its just 2km off the pacific highway. There will be signs on the Highway.

What time do I need to arrive and register?

As a general rule please register Friday afternoon or AT LEAST 1hr before your race start. Which means arriving even earlier to prepare your riding gear.

XCO Races - The Race schedule is ON_THIS_PAGE . Please note your Age category and Arrive AT LEAST 1hr before your category starts. A short Race briefing will be on Boundary Rd start line 10mins Prior to race start. Listen to the PA announcements for any changes.

6HR Race - Make sure you have registered and setup your tent/pit area by 1pm. We will have race briefing at 1:45 and the race will start at 2pm.

Is there a kids race?

Yes, there will be a few options this year.

  1. XCO races on Saturday Morning - the youngest category will be u11, which is 8-10yo.
  2. XCO races on Sunday Morning - the youngest category will be u11, which is 8-10yo.
  3. Alternatively there is a participation event for “Dirt Bombs”, this will be held whilst the 6hr race is on at 2:30. (Dirt Missiles: under 7 year olds, Dirt Torpedoes: 8-10 year olds & Dirt bombers: 11- 12 year olds

If entering an XCO race, PLEASE enter online to avoid a late fee.

When & where is Sign On?

  1. Friday from 5:00pm @ Bom Bom State forest
  2. Saturday from 7:00am @ Bom Bom State forest
  3. Sunday from 7:00am @ Bom Bom State forest

Can I register to race on the Day?

Online Registration closes Thursday 18th Oct @ 9pm You can register on the day, you will be charged a $50 late fee per person.

Race Laps:

  • Saturday XCO race – 6.5km
  • 6 Hrs race – 14.2km
  • Sunday XCO Race – 6.5km

Do I need Lights:

All riders must have a front handlebar/helmet light ON AT 5PM at a minimum. Both handlebar and helmet lights are our preferred option however. A rear red light is not compulsory. So make sure your lights are charged!

NOTE: Some teams riders may choose not to ride at night if they are unable to arrange suitable lights for all team members.

Toilets & Showers:

Yes, there are plenty of portaloo’s and camp style showers. There is no permanent shower/toilet block at Bom Bom State Forest, so please don’t expect the facilities to be like The Hilton!


Yes, free camping is available. There is a designated camping area in a paddock adjoining the race area, No fires are permitted in the camp area, there will be a communal fire-pit at the event centre.. The Bom Bom Racing Crew will be out there Friday, so check with them where to set up. For motel style accommodation contact Abbey Motor Inn on 6642 6122, to book a room.

Is there drinking water at Bom Bom?:

No, please bring enough water for your personal use; the more water you have the better. Please be self-sufficient.


Yes, food stalls will have delicious food available on Saturday (BBQ and coffee van), However, you should still bring your own special “race food”! Remember we have the catered Dinner option @ $10pp, Hopefully you have pre-purchased a dinner ticket to aid estimations on catering.

REPLY to this email if you would like to purchase dinner tickets(or check if you already purchased them)


There will not be licenced serving or selling of Alcohol at the GBomb, however, we have no objection to people bringing their own esky full of favourite Post race drinks to enjoy over dinner and around the campfire on Saturday night.

Car Parking:

You will be greeted by car parking attendants, please follow their instructions at all times. Please drive slowly up to the fire road. Park in the car park and then carry your gear to the track to setup. DO NOT STOP and UNLOAD AT THE EVENT ENTRY UNLESS DIRECTED. The Fire Road is to be clear of cars at all times for emergency purposes.

Eco-Friendly Event:

Bom Bom Racing Crew are aiming to hold this event with as minimal environmental and waste /refuse impact as possible. You will see a few changes to how we have prepared the event, event centre and tracks. We will be providing recycling centres for you to appropriately place your refuse in. Our caters will also be using eco friendly disposable cutlery and napkins. We ask that you bring your own plates, utensils, mugs/cups to use with these food providers. Help us keep our forest and environment clean.

Bad Weather:

As many of you know past GBomb events have been disturbed by heavy rain. A light shower is no reason to be scared away, the event will still run unless there is a lot of rain, and no drying time.

Currently the forecast is not of too much concern, Grafton generally misses a lot of the rain the rest of the coastal towns experience. We will send an email update and place a notice on facebook if there is concern about rain affecting racing.

If you are concerned about showers on the day, plan to have a shelter between your team/club/mates etc.

I got a question, Who do I call?

Race Director - Grant Hodgins 0413788955

Commissaire 6hr -Ken Shephard 0427820831

Commissaire XCO - Ben Smith 0459843960