Court Roles

The Council

Voted on: 07/10/23

Council refresh needed: July 2024.

The Court is governed by a council of five cats from various backgrounds who serve their role for 12 moons/a season cycle. Any cat 6 moons and above may vote both in court-wide decisions and to elect council members to the position. It is encouraged that cats from various backgrounds should be elected to the council, but not a firm requirement or rule. If an imbalance is noticed it should be corrected.

These are voted for by players! 


A tall white cat with long fur and rounded cinnamon patches in a symmetrical pattern across her head and body, dappled with poppy petals. She has round orange eyes and her tail is limp, healing from a break. (she/her)


Being a very level-headed sort of cat, though perhaps a little out of touch, Bloom intends to expand the Court's reaches beyond cats; she intends to make contact with the other animals the court shares land with. Foxes, dogs, maybe even Coyotes someday, all potential watching eyes and backup muscle and... well, she'd be lying if she didn't want to be friends with them, too, and to see the world how they do for just a moment or two. 


Other Roles: Eerie

Played by Finch


 A small calico molly with green eyes and a green collar, a long scar runs along her side. (she/her)


Bumblefoot may not be very helpful during council meetings but she’s pledged to “save the magic” and is determined to make it happen, alongside her more selfish plans to better the kitchen and bring more livestock to the court. Bumblefoot just wants to see everyone smile.


Played by Rosa


A pure white molly with piercing blue eyes. She’s elegantly proportioned, with long limbs and a feathery tail; a slight amount of fluff rounds out her more gangly features, and the sweet scent of lavender and thyme permeates her coat. She’s profoundly Deaf, and is therefore often seen signing. (she/her)


Larksong hopes to establish better accomodations for various disabled members of the Court, in addition to organizing construction classes and projects to develop techniques for sounder structures. She also wants to make the Court's rules clearer to enforce with codified punishments focusing on community service and self-improvement. Finally, she wishes to focus on building the group of ambassadors back up and establishing stronger ties with adjacent groups.


Other Roles: Healer

Played by Rat


A massive charcoal bengal cat with green eyes. He has a distinctive 'X' shaped scar on his face, and numerous smaller scars dotting his body. (he/him)


Skinkthorn didn't expect to gain a place on the Council, but now that he has it he intends to make the Court an active member of this land, rather than a passive one. His goals seem to involve having clearer rules and guidelines, and firmer punishments to those who would go against the Court. He doesn't have high hopes for getting along with his fellow Council members.


Other Roles: Teacher

Played by Buzz


A large, boulder-like blue-grey cat with a shaggy rapidly-greying pelt, heavily scarred face, and pale green eyes. (they/she)


After the war with The Order Storm wants to ensure not a drop of blood further is spilt- and is focusing their time on the Council towards making this happen through expanding and increasing the role of the Court's Ambassadors.


Played by Wyrd

Court Jobs

Court jobs are based in most cases on an individual's interest in that role. They are free to try out multiple jobs, take on multiple, or make a role of their own! Roles are listed in order of founding. You will find roles of all kinds here, most of them created by various Court cats.


Ambassadors are three cats who do tasks like communicate with other groups, reach out for supplies or help, send messages, and overall communicate the court's wishes to the outside world. They report to a designated member of the council to check in with, receive orders from, and generally answer to. The council regularly perform tests on them to ensure they are not working for their own desires by way of constructing situations that have potential to go wrong should an ambassador be corrupt. 

Current Ambassadors: Caesar, Crowsong


This group consists of cats with any sort of healing knowledge. It is volunteer based, anyone who wishes to join can do so. This does not prevent a cat from being able to join the council. Healers serve the court as a whole by way of providing medical support. This may extend to treating injuries, illness, or anything in between mostly by way of herb usage.

Current Healers: Larksong, Eveningshine, Will, Halcyon, Shroudclover.


This group consists of cats who record the history of the court and current events. Their work can vary depending on what sort of things need to be written down. This role can be served indefinitely and the cats who hold it can serve on the council as well. Founded by Sheep.

Current Historians: Sheep, Lelia


This group consists of cats who teach the cats of the court in the schooling system. The specifics of what is being taught can vary massively, ranging from survival skills to developing creative hobbies. A teacher must be approved by the council to begin teaching and must have an approved subject. To begin teaching another subject or change what they teach, this must be run by the council as well. A teacher can serve on the council while also teaching a class, should they need to shift responsibilities they can. This is an indefinite role that is self-guided, meaning a teacher can establish as few or as many classes as they’d like. 

Current Teachers: Sirius, Sheep, Grizzlyheart, Skinkthorn, Larksong, Halcyon, Snarl

See current classes here


This group consists of cats who prepare a cat for the end of their life by carrying out their final wishes, making them comfortable, and speaking to them about what may come next. The Eeries care for the body however the court’s rituals or cat’s personal wants may dictate as well as find ways to remember and honor them. This is an indefinite role that cats can volunteer to join. These cats can serve on the council and teach with this role, being that it is situational. Founded by Eurydice.

Current Eeries: Holly, Ranch, Cathartes


This group consists of cats who provide emotional support to the court. They listen, provide direction, address worries, and generally care for others emotionally. It is always encouraged to have multiple cats share this role at a time for the sake of not putting too much pressure on one single cat. This role is indefinite but Therapists must be approved by both the council and other existing Therapists. Founded by Sirius. See Sirius' therapy standards here.

Current Therapists: Sirius, Havenshiver, Artisan, Elkie

Battle Medic

This group consists of cats who are capable of both combat and healing-- it’s a unique role that has a paw in each world. Generally this multi-purpose cat is both equipped to administer herbs and other care, usually specifically in an active combat context as well as a capable fighter who can hold their own and protect others if need be. This is volunteer based. Founded by Shroudclover and Brutus.

Current Battle Medics: Shroudclover


Guardians are cats who want to protect, and serve the court, but not necessarily to a combat degree. These cats assist other cats with tasks that they are unable to complete themselves, support cats in their own personal endeavors (emotionally, or physically), and protect the court with frequent patrols when not helping other cats directly, in order to know the territory and what it offers, and best understand how to best help others. On patrols, if a guardian comes across danger or another cat, combat is never the first directive unless attacked -- Guardians aim to come to peaceful, and supportive conclusions, to assist everyone in the best way possible unless there is no other option. Founded by White Chin.

Current Guardians: White Chin, Grizzlyheart.

Court Members

Even if a cat doesn't hold any specific roles, they're still an essential member of the Court! The symbol for Court, seen above, was designed by Oatmeal and reflects the arch in the wall and the cats who live within it's walls.

 See our allegiances here.