About Us

Happily DMing ~30 players!

BLBR was founded in June of 2019 and has fostered a thriving and welcoming community in that time. We have roughly 40 players as of 2022. The roleplay is built to be accessible, and we're constantly trying to find new ways to make it easy for new members to get involved and to help old members get back into the swing of things. We are happy to provide help coming up with reasons why a character may have been absent or distracted while you were away. We have no rigorous activity requirements. Positions IC are chosen purely IC and have no regard for your popularity or standing in the roleplay. All characters and players are important. Staff makes every effort to try to think about individual character storylines and ways to tie them in with the other characters and overall plot.

If you ever need anything, our staff is always willing to talk with you to work things out, help you get more into the roleplay, and assist with any other problems you may have.

The setting of BLBR follows real world weather trends and sense of time. However, we use liquid time, meaning you are free to have multiple roleplays going on at once and continue them for as long as you see fit. We roleplay within the channels of the Discord server, meaning there may be some overlap between roleplays at times, though we have many channels to lessen any cramped feelings.

Time in roleplay is a strange beast for the Court cats. Some have been noted to “freeze” at a certain age due to their interaction with the life-prolonging death god they regularly interact with. The OOC reason for this is that due to the slower pace of BLBR or due to IRL struggles, it can be difficult to play out the life stages you want for your character in as much detail as you would like. We have opt-in regular life time passage as of right now, so you are free to age up your character naturally. However, you are in control of how your character ages, so it is fully up to your preference.


Founder & Admin

I’m Koby! 23, he/him. I came up with the idea for and created BLBR, and I drive the creative direction overall. I play Minkblaze, Ravinefrost, Joey, and roughly 30 NPCs.

Art by GalaxyMooArt on Twitter, a BLBR player!


Admin & Developer

Hello everyone! I'm 25, he/they. I helped Koby create the server and act as the main "tech mod," doing things like handling tech issues and developing our bot, Spadesbot! I play the NPC Ducky.

Art by Koby!



Howdy I'm Buzz! I'm 25, he/they. I joined the mod team in December of 2020, and mostly I just help out with general moderation of the chats and make the base character sheets! I play Will, Crowsong, Tripod, Skinkthorn, Holly, and Phoenix!

Art by Koby!


Server bot & mascot

Spadesbot was created by Kendall and Buzz and is currently developed by Kendall. She does a range of functions, including dice rolls, exporting channels, logging tickets, tracking roleplays, and maintaining character profiles.

Spadesbot is extremely expansive, so much so that we've decided to make a separate site for all her commands and capabilities. That site is currently in progress and should be coming soon!