BLACK SWAN 18 Underway

4 OCTOBER 2018—Communications exercise BLACK SWAN 18 is now underway! With exercise transmissions from station NNO5HD on "Channel 4" of the 5 MHz allocation where amateur radio stations have secondary operating privileges beginning at 1000Z (6:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time), BLACK SWAN 18 controllers got their first report of the developing situation for the exercise scenario.

After yesterday's announcement from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), interest in the exercise was demonstrated by posts to social media and traffic on the BLACK SWAN 18 web site. Those interested in participating still have an opportunity to do so by going to the BLACK SWAN 18 "Info Packet," including a checklist for getting started.

Today and tomorrow are the "build-up" period, where exercise controllers will inject information to create background for players, and organizations involved in preparation should participate. Saturday will see the beginning of the "Intense Activity" period, in which impacts of the events will be evident and response organizations will focus. As Sunday becomes Monday, the exercise will enter the "recovery" period, where participants work through the scenario to return life to normal.

BLACK SWAN presents a unique opportunity for nongovernment organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and even independent amateur radio operators to practice working together in service to communities affected by disaster.

Sponsoring organization: Ohio Military Reserve, 2nd Battalion, 4th Civil Support and Sustainment Brigade.

Participating organizations include ARRL Ohio Section, ARRL Iowa Section, USAF MARS, U.S. DHS SHARES Program, and many affiliates.