
BLACK SWAN 23 started 280000Z NOV. Here is what we told players to expect:

Information for Exercise Play


The scenario we're using raises questions for communications planners. Your organization provides service to people affected by disaster, whether natural or man-made. How do you communicate when you're needed most? What if land-based telecommunications don't work reliably? What if cellular service is also interrupted? What about radio repeaters being isolated, unable to use the usual lines to connect to the other repeaters in the system?

Approximately four weeks earlier, we trained and practiced key skills. The State Guard Association of the United States annual meeting in Dayton, Ohio will include a National Tactical Interoperability Communications (TIC) exercise we have dubbed WILDCARD 23. The single-day event held on 4 November included classroom instruction and lane training ahead of the start of the exercise. The ExPlan and AAR/IP provide additional detail.

Imagining the scenarios makes it possible to address them. The annual BLACK SWAN communications exercise is conducted annually to give you a chance to test those plans. Watch this space and activity on our training program to see what others are doing and how you can be a part of the community of resilient communicators.

For more information, contact the Exercise Director:

C. M. Curtin, Chief Warrant Officer 2
Communications-Electronics Officer
Signal Section, Headquarters, 4th Civil Support & Sustainment Brigade
Ohio Military Reserve
+1 614 398 0045