Final Project Proposal

Project Ideation

  1. Tell us about the idea of your project. Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

the project idea is interactive unit react with movement of humans in interior places used as decoration unit .

2. Sketch your project: You may use pen and paper or a simple sketching tool like MS Paint

3. What are the core modules that your project consist of?

one motor for moving each main unit connected with each triangle (small unit )

moving sensor used to detect any moving around the sensor

  1. Construction Parts: triangle units joined together for making the movable main unit

  2. this units are attached to structure grid can move throught it

  3. Input:

  • User Input: the user can modify the precentage of the openning of all unit from his mobile app connected to the arduino by wifi unit

  • Sensing: this ceiling is connected to the motion sensor (Microwave ) at the end of the cooridor which detect the location of the person in the corredor and the suitable unit moe above him

  1. Action: each unit is consist of an orgami shape which can be folded and stretched using one motor to folding it

  2. Brain: Arduino Uno

  3. Power Management: The microcontroller (Arduino) will be powered using 6 V adapter and the motors are powered using 9 V adapter

4. Describe the general functions and features of your project. How would it work?

General function

the main function is to make interactive unit moving depend on the moving of the people around it having a uniqe ceiling according to the movement of the visitor


the main feature is a decorative interior ceiling change it's shape will the interaction of people and visitor

Project Planning

5. Categorize your project’s features into: basic, essential, and nice-to-have features

Minimum User Features

  • motion of people (one unit only)

reaction of the one unit by microwave sensor depend on the motion of people beside it

    • Action: motor movement

    • Sensing: motion sensor (microwave)

    • User Input: None

  • manual opening (one unit only)

reaction of the one unit by the preset you choose from mobile app and the people move beside it

    • Action:motor movement

    • Sensing:motion sensor (microwave)

    • User Input: mobile app have many preset

Complete User Features

  • motion of people (composion of five unit in board with dimension of 60x30 cm.squared)

reaction of the 5 units by microwave sensor depend on the motion of people beside it

    • Action: motor movement

    • Sensing: motion sensor (microwave)

    • User Input: None

  • manual opening (composion of five unit in board with dimension of 60x30 cm.squared)

reaction of the 5 unit by the preset you choose from mobile app and the people move beside it

    • Action:motor movement

    • Sensing:motion sensor (microwave)

    • User Input: mobile app have many preset

Nice-to-have User Features

  • light change changing the warm degree of light according to the time of the people stay under the unit

    • Action: RGB LED

    • Sensing:motion sensor (microwave)

    • User Input: slider

6. What are the expected milestones and its time-frame?

Create Bill of materials 2 days

  • Research all the components

  • Look up power requirements for all components

  • Calculate power source V & I

Design Enclosure 4 days

  • Create a Cardboard Enclosure

  • Create CAD on Fusion 360

  • Create Mounting for components

Electronics & Programming 6 days

  • Feature 1: people movement

  • Feature 2: manual preset

  • Feature 3: light-change

Fabrication & Integration 3 days

  • Fabricate and assemble the enclosure

  • Mount all components

  • Test minimum features

  • Test complete features

7. What are the expected electronic components and materials to be used?





servo motor





PIR sensor

ultrasonic sensor