Part two of webcomic in progress

This is part two if my Webcomic. The reason so is because Google Sites won't let me put too much pictures on one page.


We've got some new characters: I uploaded a few of the new characters, but still more to come!

Now let the story begin. The first chapter of part two is: Business Time

End of chapter one of part two. The nexts ones funny it's called: The quest for words!

That's is the end of that chapter. This next chapter's called: Trickery.

The end of that chapter! Very funny I thought. The next one is called, :Stop, stop stop stop STOP

The next ones called: History. I've got some explaining to do first though! In segment five (assuming you know how to count) the boy with the SW layered torso is the knight that's telling the story when he was young. In segment five the man with the chainmail is the knight that's telling story's dad. In segment 6 (assuming you know how to count), it says 'Knight: This was in the time of the Barbarian Raids', it is the knight whos telling the story at present ( the talking in segment five is not in the story that the knight's telling, but the knight at present is saying). Does that make sense? I hope it does!

That was a nest chapter don't you think. I like it the most when the boy in the story gets to try out the knight outfit! Anyway, why not keep you waiting. The next ones called: The Discovery!

The end of another chapter now. Must be the end of chapter (barrel roll) !#, yeah I was using shifts to try make it look bigger HAHAHAH! The nest one might be called Success or ATTACK!

The end of that chapter. What is to come next? I haven't made any more segments and am wondering what to do now. Any suggestions?

ATTENTION: I will be stopping my comic for a week or two because I'm a bit busy ATM.Will finish soon