Frequently Asked Questions

NEW: Will elementary and intermediate students have recess?

Students will go to recess and PE with their homeroom cohort group. The playground area will have designated spots for each cohort group and playground playscapes will be sanitized daily. Students and staff will be required to use hand sanitizer and wash their hands before and after recess.

NEW: What are the health guidelines when a student is sick at school and they get sent home?

Exclusion from School Policy 2020-2021

Communicable Diseases/Non-Communicable Diseases

Exclusion from School Policy

To prevent the spread of communicable and non-communicable disease, students with certain symptoms/diseases, if considered outside of their normal, will be excluded from school. Please screen your students at home for below symptoms or descriptions before school each day.

• Temperature ≥ 100°F

• Diarrhea

• Vomiting

• Undetermined rash over any part of the body accompanied by a fever, or by nursing

assessment and discretion

• Red, purulent drainage of eyes

• Any questionable contagious symptoms or if the student’s behavior indicates that he/she is

not well

• Any disease or symptoms included in the communicable diseases school exclusion policy provided
by the Department of State Health Services. (available upon request, or BIS
D website)

• Any one symptom consistent with COVID-19 (Loss of taste or smell, cough, breathing,

shortness of breath, fatigue, significant muscle pain/ache, nausea, vomiting, fever,

headache, sore throat, or congestion/runny nose)

• Considered a close contact of COVID-19 positive case (Close contact description avail

upon request, or BIS website)

• Open, draining wound or lesion that cannot be contained in a bandage

Any individuals who themselves either: (a) are lab-confirmed to have COVID-19; or (b) experience the symptoms of COVID-19 (listed above) must stay at home throughout the infection period, (14 days) and cannot return to campus until the school system screens the individual to determine any of the below conditions for campus re-entry have been met:

•In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to school when all three of the following criteria are met:

1) at least 24 hours has passed since recovery (without the use of fever-reducing medications);

2) the individual has improvement in symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and

3) at least ten school days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

•In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and who is not evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, such individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to the campus until the individual has completed the same three-step set of criteria listed above.

•If the individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to school before completing the above stay at home period, the individual must either: 1) obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis or 2) obtain an acute infection test at an approved testing location ( that comes back negative for COVID-19 if deemed necessary and appropriate by their physician.

It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to obtain transportation of the student from school to his/her home. Additional information regarding rules for exclusion of students having or suspected of having a communicable condition from school and readmission criteria is outlined in the Texas Administrative Code. Information also available through Texas Education Agency, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, and Northeast Texas Public Health District.

Revised 8/14/20

NEW: What happens if a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19? Will the entire classroom have to quarantine?

Students or staff who test positive for COVID-19 will be sent home to recover. When notification of a possible exposure occurs, in coordination with local health authorities, the campus/district will investigate who may have had "close contact" with the student. Based on the results, a determination will be made as to whether an entire classroom or multiple classrooms are required to quarantine. In the event students are required to temporarily quarantine, the education of the student will continue through remote learning through Google Classroom with their teacher for the duration of the quarantine period.

NEW: How will attendance be counted for students that select the virtual model?

Per the Texas Education Code, students must attend 90% of a course in order to be awarded credit, with some exceptions. During the 2020-2021 school year, student attendance can be earned through face to face school or through virtual school.

  • Students attending virtual school must make daily progress each day that school is in session in order to be considered "present" on a particular day.

  • Students attending face to face school must be at school in order to be marked present that day.

  • In the event that a temporary face to face school closure is needed, all students in the district will attend virtual school until it is safe to return to the school building.

  • Pre-5th grade students are required to be engaged in learning for 180 minutes a day

  • 6th-12th grade students are required to be engaged in learning for 240 minutes a day

Can my child start out with face to face instruction and move to virtual instruction?

Parents selecting the face to face instructional model, will have the option to move their child to the virtual model at any point during the nine weeks but must remain in the virtual model until the end of the nine weeks. At the end of the 1st nine weeks, parents will be able to select either face to face learning or virtual learning for their child for the 2nd nine weeks. If parents want to move their child from the face to face model to the virtual model, they can contact the school for additional information and access to virtual learning materials.

How do I select whether my child will be a face to face or virtual student for 2020-2021 school year?

A formal commitment form for selecting either face to face or virtual instruction will be available in Family Access in conjunction with the annual student registration process. We highly encourage families to complete this process as soon as possible in order to help the district prepare for the upcoming school year. Students will not be able to receive a schedule until this process is completed.

Click here to register your student

Will there be extra curricular activities this year?

For in-person school, extracurricular activities will follow guidelines outlined in the UIL and Texas Education Agency. Students participating in the virtual learning model will not be eligible to participate in on campus and extracurricular activities.

Can parents change their mind and switch their child from virtual learning and go to the face to face model?

Parents selecting the virtual model will be committed to this learning model for nine weeks. At the end of the 1st nine weeks, parents will be able to select either face to face or virtual for their child for the 2nd nine weeks.

What will grading be like this year?

  • Brownsboro ISD grading procedures are published annually in the Grading Handbook. Progress reports and report cards, along with parent conferences, will be used to communicate each student's progress and performance. Grading policies will be the same for students engaged face to face and virtual learning.

Will parents be notified if someone at the school test positive for COVID-19?

  • BISD will follow the required actions below if an individual with a lab-confirmed case has been identified in school. It is important that parents notify the campus if their child tests positive for COVID-19.

1. If an individual who has been in a school is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19, the school will notify the local health department.

2. Schools will close off areas that are heavily used by the individual with the lab-confirmed case (student, teacher, or staff) until the non-porous surfaces in those areas can be disinfected, unless more than 3 days have already passed since that person was on campus.

3. Consistent with school notification requirements for other communicable diseases, and consistent with legal confidentiality requirements, schools will notify all teachers, staff, and families of all students in a school if a lab-confirmed COVID-19 case is identified among students, teachers or staff who participate on any on campus activities.

We want to hear from you. If you have a question, please submit your questions here.