Origins and evolution

BioActive Fluids originated as the Biologically Active Fluids Special Interest Group of the EPSRC-funded UK Fluids Network, organising a series of meetings from 2017-19. The original webpage is still published at this link which includes some workshop materials.

July 11th 2017, University of Birmingham. A scientific meeting in memory of John Blake.

September 19th 2018: SIG meeting at University of York (early career workshop September 18th)

September 12th 2019: SIG meeting at University of Warwick (early career workshop September 11th)

During the Covid pandemic, in 2020 group activities switched to fortnightly online seminars which quickly expanded the membership to over 200 subscribers internationally. These seminars continue in 2021; a future aspiration is to return to in-person events, making use of video conferencing to maintain international connectivity.