Grants and Contracts

  1. Gill Grant, Poole College of Management, “Individual-Level Modeling of Social Media”, 2017, PI: William Rand
  2. Laboratory for Analytical Sciences, “Behavioral Coarsening: Understanding the Relationship Between Individual- and Group-Level Modeling”, 2017, PI: William Rand
  3. Army RDECOM, SBIR, “Predictive Algorithms and Learning for Medics”, Direct Funding: $20,450 (Total: $100,000; subcontract to Perceptronics), 2016-2017, PI: William Rand
  4. Dean’s Research Initiative, College of Behavioral and Social Science, University of Maryland, “Offending and Victimization of Corporate America: A Blueprint for Estimating the Prevalence of Known White Collar and Cybercrime Incidents in the U.S.”, 2016, PI: David Maimon
  5. Office of Naval Research, SBIR, “Assisted Informatics and Decisions for Medics (AID-Medic)”, 2015-2016, PI: William Rand
  6. University of Maryland, Advance Seed Grant, “Making the Costs of Data Sharing More Salient”, 2015-2016, PI: Michelle Mazurek, co-PIs: Jennifer Golbeck and William Rand
  7. Army Research Lab, STTR, “Decision Analytic Visualization of and Interaction with Extreme Data”, 2013-2014, PI: William Rand
  8. DARPA, STTR, “Heterogeneous Analysis of Group Interactions and Dynamics: Phase II”, 2013-2015, PI: William Rand, co-PI: Michelle Girvan
  9. DARPA, STTR, “Heterogeneous Analysis of Group Interactions and Dynamics: Phase I”, 2013, PI: William Rand, co-PI: Michelle Girvan
  10. National Science Foundation, “Research Experience for Undergraduates: Diffusion and Ranking in Social Media”, 2011-2013, PI: William Rand, co-PIs: Yogesh Joshi and Louiqa Raschid
  11. Northrop Grumman, Memorandum of Understanding, “Competitive Social Media Diffusion”, 2012, PI: Michelle Girvan, co-PI: William Rand
  12. DARPA, Young Faculty Award, “Intelligent Interfaces for Social Media: Monitoring, Modeling, and Engaging”, 2012-2014, PI: William Rand
  13. Marketing Science Institute, “Building the B[r]and: Using Social Media to Drive Customer Engagement and Sales”, 2011-2012, PI: Yogesh Joshi, co-PIs: William Rand and Louiqa Raschid
  14. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Exploratory Advanced Research Program, “Agent-Based Approach for Integrated Traveler and Driver Behavior Modeling”, 2011-2013, Direct Funding: $25,000 (Total: $654,869), PI: Lei Zhang, co-PIs: William Rand et al.
  15. National Science Foundation, “Diffusion and Ranking in Social Media: A Computational Examination of the Role of Influence and Authority”, 2010-2014, $488,840, PI: William Rand, co-PIs: Yogesh Joshi and Louiqa Raschid
  16. NET Institute, Summer Research Award, “Media, Aggregators and the Link Economy”, Summer 2010, co-PIs: Chris Dellarocas and William Rand
  17. Google and WPP, Marketing Research Award, “Media, Aggregators and the Link Economy: An Analytical and Empirical Examination of the Future of Content”, Google and WPP, 2010, co-PIs: Chris Dellarocas and William Rand
  18. Rackham Graduate School, Interdisciplinary Workshop Grant, “Complex Systems Advanced Academic Workshop (CSAAW)”, University of Michigan, 2003-2005, co-PIs: Katia Koelle and William Rand