LED Display Screens

Aspects to Consider While Buying LED Display Screens

Purchasing LED display screens seems to be a daunting task due to the wide range of features they are bestowed with. There is a wide range of ‘LED display screens’ from the mobile LED screens to the LED truck screens. 

For picking the right one you need to consider an array of factors such as follows

Location Of The Installation: One of the factors based on which you should buy the LED display screen is the location where it should be installed. You have to determine whether the requirement for the LED display screen is for outdoor or indoor use. For the outdoor locations, the LED display screens are exposed to harsh conditions of weather such as humidity, sunlight or rain and hence should be of durable nature.

Content That Has To Be Displayed: The requirement of your business would determine the content you need to display on the LED screens. You need to choose the LED Displays depending on how you want to advertise your services or products. You can market your products by displaying videos, static images, and documents or by giving live feed. There are some LED displays that help in supporting multiple formats which would help you in being more creative and engaging your target audience.

Viewing Distance: Before investing in the LED screen you have to consider the viewer’s distance from the display screen. The surface area of the outdoor display screens is larger compared to the indoor LED display screens and hence serve the requirement in the complex outdoor surroundings. LED screen hire done for indoor viewing should not exceed 10 meters. For example, for a 3mm ‘indoor video wall’ the minimum distance for viewing should be 3 meters. If the distance is more than 10 meters, the client must choose an ‘outdoor LED’ video wall.

Repairing and Upkeep: The advantage of using the LED screen displays is that they can withstand rough environments. They are durable and damage proof. No direct sunlight or water can damage the LED screens easily. They require low upkeep and in case a part of it becomes non-functional, it can be quickly replaced and you can have the servicing done as well onsite. This minimizes downtime for LED screens.

Benefits Of The LED Screens Over The LCDs: The versatility of the LED screens make them popular. They can be widely used for outdoors and indoors. Low upkeep and longevity make the LED screens popular among the users. The average lifespan of the LED display screens is 7-10 years, whereas that of an LCD screen is 3-5 years. The LED screens are rugged, weatherproof and durable whereas the LCD screens are delicate and fragile. Moreover, the LED screens offer better angles of viewing and produce vivid and clear images as the contrast and brightness levels are higher than the LCDs. The consumption of power by the LEDs is less than that of the LCDs.

By keeping in mind all the above-mentioned factors it would be easier for you to purchase LED screens and accompanying accessories such as LED screen truck, mobile LED trailers etc.