Hire LED Screens

A Guide to Hire LED Screens for the First Time

Using a LED screen is advantageous for business purposes. Every business at one point or the other uses the digital screen to display their advertisements or products and services. Even though providers of LED would be able to give advice on the best-LED screens for hire, there are certain basics that should be known as well. Knowing the basics would reduce the risk of being cheated by the providers and save a lot of money. Given below are certain things to check before hiring LED screens for the first time.

The Size of the Screen

There are many sizes of screens that are found in a LED display. The further the screen is placed, the bigger it has to be. Big LED screens help to view the display from far away. However, if the screen is placed nearer to the audience then it is advisable to hire small screens and big screens would hurt the eyes of the audience. Check the size based on where the screen would be placed and informs the provider. Take their views into consideration as well as they are more accustomed to these ideas.

The Pixel Pitch of the Screen

The pixel pitch of the LED screen is the distance between two pixels of the display board which is measured in millimetres. The range of the pixel pitches start from 1mm and goes up to 20mm. If the pixel pitch of the display board is low, then the quality of the image would be higher and vice versa. If the pixel pitch is high, then the viewing distance would have to be far and if the pixel pitch is low then the required viewing distance would be nearer. This component is very important while choosing LED screens for hire.

The Structure of the Screen

There are two kinds of structures that are found in a LED screen and they are mobile and modular. Mobile structures are built earlier and put on some kind of a vehicle. They can be moved around with the help of the vehicle. Modular structures are panels that are made of small tiles of the LED which are built of aluminium trussing. Choose the structure based on the placement and requirement of the event. Modular structures are generally used when different custom shapes are needed for the event and also chosen during indoor events.

See a Trial before Making the Final Purchase

Once the above components have been determined into the LED screen that would be hired, it is better to see a trial before making the final transaction. This would help to give a clear picture of the LED screen that has been compiled and if it is according to the requirement of the event and fit for the viewing of the audience.

Choosing a LED screen for the first time can be confusing if the basics are not known. Along with taking the help of the provider having a basic knowledge would help in making a successful purchase.