Top Technical Factors That Will Influence Advertising Signage In Future

Top Technical Factors That Will Influence Advertising Signage In Future  

Undoubtedly, discussions on the current and future of digital outdoor advertising are gaining momentum among marketers. Placement of screen and dynamic content creation is still accessible. But the way technology will influence the future of outdoor advertising remains to be seen. Advertisers want new and exciting ways to drive maximum audience engagement. The screen hire for events is undergoing rapid technological evolution in recent years. As a vender or an advertiser, it is imperative that you are in sync with the latest trends.


Food retailers have been some of the biggest adopters of interactive screens. From kiosks with touchscreens to tabletop ordering consoles, customers are quick to accept these technological advancements. But this type of technical progress is not limited to food chains only. Retail sectors, as well as direct advertisers, are also embracing them. With brands relying on outdoor advertising through digital signage, its future definitely looks bright.

The proliferation of Digital LED Screens

It is becoming a norm these days to see digital screens in every business promotion. Brands that rely on outdoor advertising prefer digital display because of their easy adaptability. Digital screens can show a variety of content in different contrast and colour settings. Business is embracing this new change as it can enrich the customer’s buying journey by proving a streamlined experience. Smart digital displays can show relevant and specific content to buyers.

Live Content Streaming

With the help of cloud-based deployment, now brands can stream live content in outdoor advertising. Live interactions are also a reality nowadays between digital signage and customers. From showing live sales updates to streaming, you can increase your brand’s visibility significantly. Also, with the emergence of touchscreen displays, customers can now tap the screen to get more relevant information. Camera integration with digital screens is another feature that advertisers should look forward to.

Utilising digital signage, along with big data analysis, would set the trend for display advertising. As a brand, you should always try to harness these latest technological innovations in your campaigns.

RunningBoards and their mobile outdoor advertising products are quite popular across Australia. Their interactive solutions help your brand to gain recognition and visibility.