Our Route

Bike Ride in England

This is the 2-way route we took to get to the Ferry to take us to the Hook of Holland in the Netherlands and to get from the ferry port in Harwich back home. This route is 74 miles but we did 81 miles there and the same amount back (due to wrong turns). We did it in 2 days and camped in the middle.

Bike Ride in Holland

This circular route was the one that took us from the ferry port to our hotel and round Amsterdam then back to the ferry port. Like the route in England, we did it in stages. Days 3 and 4 brought us to the hotel (mostly going along the coastal route) and we spent day 5 exploring Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum. Days 6 and 7 brought us back to the ferry port in the Hook of Holland following the inland route. We stayed in campsites so there was no night-time cycling.