How to Play

It’s normal to feel slightly apprehensive about starting something new, but bowls is a sport that is easy to take up. The rules of the game are relatively simple, the basic technique is not complex and you don’t need lots of new kit. 

Before you start to learn how to play the game, check out the vocabulary on the 'Learn the Lingo' page. 

The Basic Rules

A game of bowls is played on a rectangular space of grass called a green. This green is split up into equal sized rinks. Players take turn to bowl their woods to the jack. Remember that the woods have a 'bias' so they curve to one side. Therefore, you need to not bowl at the jack, but slightly to the side of it. 

The aim of the game is to get your wood closer to the jack than the opposing team. One point is given for each wood that is closer. For example, if your team has 2 woods closer to the jack than the other team, you are awarded 2 points, as there are 2 woods closer. 

Each game is split into individual ends. After all the woods have been bowled, you play in the opposite direction. The winner of the previous end casts the jack and places the mat. They then bowl the first wood. 

There are different formats of the game. You can either play singles or as part of a team, and a match can vary in lengths.  The winner can either be the one who has scored the most shots after a specified number of ends or the first to reach a designated score.


What clothes should I wear?

If you would like to come to the bowls club for a coaching session, you should wear that it something comfortable to wear, and that you can move easily in. Skirts aren't advised for obvious reasons. You must wear flat-soled shoes that do not have an open top; a pair of trainers do the job perfectly. 

If you are playing a competitive game, you need to wear the club shirt and the correct colour trousers. To buy the correct clothing contact the club secretary, or email

Do I need to buy a set of woods?

Our club has a range of different woods to play with. However, another person may be using the woods that you have used at time. If you have the money, you can then buy your own set of woods. You can choose the colour, the weight and size, making sure that it is within the rules. 

The price of them can be from £50 if you get them second-hand to over £200 if you splash out on a set of brand new woods. These can last a lifetime, so make sure to get the ones that suit you. 

Got any more questions?

If you are unsure of something, or would like to practice playing bowls, contact the secretary - Terry Butt - or email