History of B.T.B.C.

War, as someone once said, seems to consist of long periods of boredom and inactivity interspersed with brief spells of violent and usually highly dangerous activity.

That was the situation that a group of Civil Defence and Ambulance staff found themselves in the year of 1942. To their credit, they decided to do something to fill the boring hours.

What they did decide was to build a bowls green. Nothing spectacular, just one rink to pass the time. Their first problem was to find a piece of land on which to build. As luck would have it, there was a piece of land vacant next to the tennis courts where the fire and ambulance stations now stand.

The land, owned by Mrs Winch, gave her permission for the green to be built, not only that, she gave permission for the one rink green to become a two rink green. The men began work, and, after much blood sweat and tears, the rink green emerged.

The first suggested name for the green was "The Civil Defence Bowls Club" and though adopted for a short while was soon abandoned in favour of "The Stratton House Bowls Club", a name that lasted for the next ten years.

A committee was formed, and the first Captain and Match Secretary was a Mr Ted Wood, a name that many current club members are very familiar with. Ted, along with the newly formed committee, drew up a rule book, designed a club badge and confirmed that the joining fee was two shillings (for the benefit of those younger readers that is 10p).

By 1946, the club, thanks to the good offices of Mrs Winch, now had four rinks and a splendid pavilion. As both membership and skills increased, Ted and his committee began to think of higher things. County recognition, no less! Bedfordshire County Bowls Association was approached and a Mr Sydney Crawley of the E.B.A. and Bedford Borough B.C. visited the green to assess the green and general facilities. It was decided that the club could be accepted into the county, subject to certain conditions.

Though the green was suitable for friendly and non-competitive games, it didn't conform to county specifications for competitive matches. Therefore, any competitive games that Stratton House B.C. entered had to be played away on their opponent's green.

In 1952, the council bought the piece of land in Drove Road, a green was laid, and play started in 1954. Biggleswade Town Bowls Club had a new home and name.

The first singles champion was Dave Stallan, a feat he repeated on many occasions. He also went to represent Bedfordshire at Worthing about 14 times and was the oldest man ever to win a County Championship. A great guy to whom we should all look up to, an inspiration to one and all.

A photograph taken from around the 1950's of Biggleswade Town Bowls Club and Tennis Courts. There was also a putting green originally, next to the Glebe Road houses in the background. Picture courtsey of Linda Franklin.

Tell us your stories

Please feel free to contact the club who will be happy to insert any of your historic stories about Biggleswade Town Bowls Club.