5 Reasons To Have A Go

Everybody should realize the joy and benefit of playing sport, and there are so many reasons why bowls is ideally placed to unlock these fantastic advantages. Here are our top 5 reasons to give bowls a try:

1) It improves your fitness │ Health professionals recommend playing bowls as it provides a number of health benefits, including:

2) The rules are simple  │ You can find all the rules by going to https://www.bowls.co.uk/flat-green.

3) It’s a gentle way to get active │ In some games, you may find yourself walking a couple of miles. You’re only doing 30m stints at a time, but you’re doing a lot of them.

4) It’s not expensive To get going you don’t need lots of new kit and clubs put on taster sessions for free. Even when you get the bug, a set of bowls and joining a club can cost as little as £90.

5) It’s perfect for all Bowls is truly is the sport for all, regardless of age, gender or physical ability.