Pre-Season Meeting & Spoon Drive - 21.04.24


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Pre-Season Meeting & Spoon Drive

This morning, we held our annual Pre Season Meeting, which was followed by a Spider to start the season. All of the proceeds from the spider were donated to Christine's Chosen Charity - East Anglian Air Ambulance Charity (EAAA)

Afterwards, we held our Spoon Drive, with some fabulous bowling. Thankfully, the rain held off and and the sun came out a few times. We then came off the green for the Jacket Potatoes with fillings of cheese, beans or chilli. 

In 4th place was Carole B, in 3rd place was Sheilah Rogers, in 2nd place was Linda Butt, and the Winner of the day was Carole Revels! 

A raffle took place afterwards, with many great prizes won. An astonishing £77 was raised. 

Thank you very much to all those that attended and bowled in the Spoon Drive. Thank you also to Christine, Sue and Frank for catering for everybody, to Joanna and Peter for providing the cakes, and those that helped behind the bar and everybody who made the day brilliant!

We all wish everybody the best for the upcoming season!

Winner - Carole R

2nd Linda B

3rd - Sheilah R

4th - Carole B
