ETL - Henlow - 16.12.23


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ETL - Henlow

Our seventh Eagle Travel League of the Winter was played on Saturday 16th December. Brian, Frank, Terry and Danny lined up against a team from Henlow.

Across the first few ends, both teams managed to score ones and twos, but on the fourth end, Henlow managed to pick up a 4. Two ends later, Henlow picked up another 4. By the half time break, we were losing by only 3 shots -  7-10

Unfortunately, things didn't go our way for the rest of the game, as we only managed to score 3 shots over 3 ends, whereas Henlow scored 17 shots over 6 ends. Unfortunately, we sadly lost the game. The final score was  BTBC  10 - 27  HBC 

Even though we are joint 9th on the league table, there is still plenty of time to turn things around, and get further up the leaderboard. 

ETL Board
