ETL - Bedford Priory - 02.12.23


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ETL - Bedford Borough

Our sixth Eagle Travel League of the Winter was played on Saturday 2nd December. Les, Tony, Brian and Danny lined up against a team from Bedford Borough.

On the first end, we managed to score one, but on the next Bedford Borough picked up a 4. Ones were mainly picked up by both sides up until the half time break, where the score was 3-11. 

Unfortunately, things didn't go our way for the rest of the game, especially as on the 14th end, we dropped a 5. Very often, our skip Danny, rescued our guys with the last wood of the end, if not drawing shot at least cutting the score against to just a single. No big drama happened near the end of the game, and we sadly lost the game. 

The final score was  BTBC  9 - 19  BBBC

Our boys battled on and in the end were beaten by a team that play regular games on their green, fully deserved the victory.  Ultimately it was only three loose ends from our quartet that cost us the game where we dropped twelve shots across those three ends.

Our next game of the season will be on Saturday 16th December - against Henlow.

The league table attached is encouraging as it does show we are among teams with similar points to us, meaning we are not cut adrift at the bottom.
