ETL - Ampthill - 13.04.24


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ETL - Ampthill

Our final Eagle Travel League of the Winter was played on Saturday 13th March. 

Les, Chris, Martin and Danny played against a strong Ampthill team.  

The game started fairly evenly, with mainly one's and two's being picked up by both sides. Our quartet did drop a 4 on the 9th end, just before the tea and coffee break. The score at half time was 5-12 to Ampthill. 

As we came back on to the green we unfortunately dropped a 5, which wasn't beneficial. The rest of the game was predominantly close bowling from both sides. We couldn't get the lead back after the half time break, meaning we lost the final game. 

The final score was BTBC  11 - 23  ABC. 

After the game, bowlers and spectators were treated to sandwiches, crisps and a selection of snacks. Congratulations to Bedford Priory who won the League. 

Overall, we managed to finish 9th which is very good, considering we are mainly made up of non-indoor bowlers. 

ETL Scorecard
