ETL - Ampthill - 09.03.24


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ETL - Ampthill

Our sixteenth Eagle Travel League of the Winter was played on Saturday 9th March. 

Les, Chris, Terry and Danny lined up against a team from Ampthill.

Our quartet got off to a strong start - scoring 5 shots within the first 3 ends. Our streak stopped there though, as Ampthill scored consecutively for the next 5 ends. Dropping 9 shots without picking up one was not ideal. The score at the halftime break was 6-9.

We managed to pick up 2 shots straight afterwards, but on the 11th end, dropped a 5. Both sides were mainly picking up one's and two's afterwards, until the 17th end. Unfortunately, we dropped a 5 on the 17th end, immediately followed by a 3 on the 18th end.

The final score was BTBC  10 - 25  ABC

Our quartet gave a valiant effort, but five loose ends where we dropped 19 shots cost us dearly. Onwards and upwards for next weekend.

Our next game will be against Henlow on 16th March.
