ETL - Bridgeman's - 08.10.23


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ETL - Bridgeman's

Our first Eagle Travel League of the Winter was played on Saturday 7th October.

Chris, Frank, Brian, and Martin, lined up against a team from Bridgeman's who were taking part in the league for the first time.

We dropped a three on the first end, but came back and won 9 shots over the next 7 ends. At half time, we dropped another 3, but were still leading by 3 shots - 9 shots to 6. The next couple of ends were nip and tuck, but on the 15th end, we dropped a 4 - meaning that Bridgeman's took the lead. We managed to pick up a couple of shots over the final few ends, causing a draw. The final score was BTBC  14 - 14  BBC

Throughout the game, we won eleven ends compared to their seven, but three 'loose' ends cost us victory by dropping two three's and a four. Our bowlers were pleased with a draw and a fair result. 

We now have a a week off, but on the 21st we will be playing against Mowsbury Park.

ETL Week 1 Scorecard
