Productive WATER

BHAKARI is supporting communities, households, and individuals in their journey to self-reliance, while reducing the overall humanitarian caseload in the Karnali River Basin area, focusing on reducing the impacts of climate change and natural disasters while improving food security.


BHAKARI’s water inventions focus on installation, management and maintenance of productive water projects, including multiple use water systems, rainwater harvesting, irrigation storage and delivery systems. These and other interventions will enable communities to sustain water sources during droughts and other fluctuations in water supply.

The program successfully constructed (27) and rehabilitated (13) Multiple Use Water System, irrigation canals, irrigation ponds and tanks where more than 6,316 participants have access to productive water to date. The sector has also been efficient in working in collaboration with local governments and different stakeholders, leveraging resources and technical expertise with 18 R/Municipalities and 34 wards agreeing to support target communities for productive water projects.