Cross cutting

BHAKARI is supporting communities, households, and individuals in their journey to self-reliance, while reducing the overall humanitarian caseload in the Karnali River Basin area, focusing on reducing the impacts of climate change and natural disasters while improving food security.


Discriminatory gender, caste, and ethnicity-based norms, unequal access and control of resources and limited participation in household and community level decision-making contribute to food insecurity and poor health outcomes in the Karnali River Basin. BHAKARI was designed with a “GESI First” approach, meaning the analysis and design of all activities are viewed through a gender and social inclusion lens, with gender at the center and other intersectional identities such as caste, ethnicity, and disability in its orbit. With gender integration at its center, BHAKARI ensures marginalized groups are represented within programming, staffing, operations and management, and root causes to their marginalization are addressed