
frequently asked Questions

  • What is a CSA?

The Berkeley Basket operates on a "CSA" model - Community Supported Agriculture. Members of a CSA pay the same fee on a weekly basis as a means of supporting the farm's operations year-round. In return, members receive a weekly share of the farm's bounty. It is understood that the the share of produce received in the early spring and fall may be leaner and less varied, while the share in summer may be more varied and abundant.

  • What is the size of a Berkeley Basket CSA share?

The produce is fits the needs for two adults.

  • What can I expect in a Berkeley Basket CSA share?

Spring basket (April): Leeks, radishes, edible flowers, kale, sunflower shoots, lettuce, mint tea, turnips, broccoli, green onions

Peak season basket (July): Kale, broccoli greens, lemons, cherry tomatoes, basil, summer squash, tomatillos, cucumbers, lettuce heads

Fall basket (October): Arugula, peppers, broccoli greens, apples, lemons, flowers, tomatoes, pineapple guava, cabbage, winter squash

  • How do I join the Berkeley Basket CSA?

Email us at and let us know that you're interested! If we don't have any open spots, we will put you on our waitlist for the next season. We recruit new members over the winter, so the best time to check in about joining is from December-February.

  • What are my payment options?

The Berkeley Basket CSA currently operates on a sliding scale price structure, with baskets priced between $32-50 per week. To make our veggies accessible to folks at a range of incomes, we have have a number of low cost shares available from $5-31 per week. Email us at if you would like to join and need financial assistance. Payments can be made by check, Paypal, Cashapp, or Venmo.

  • When, Where & How do I pick up my basket?

Members pick up their shares from one of the three backyard sites after 4pm every Tuesday. As our garden sites are residential homes, we only share the addresses with members and volunteers.

  • What if I'm going out of town?

We ask that members coordinate who will pick up their baskets in their absence.

  • Are there other options besides picking up on Tuesday?

Tuesdays are only option at the moment. Currently, we do not have any additional refrigerated storage to hold member shares.

  • I love what y'all are doing! How do I come visit one of the backyard sites?

We absolutely love volunteers! The best day to come out to the gardens is Friday. Please email us at to let us know if you'd like to come out one of our backyard sites.

  • I have extra produce from my garden (apples, pears, lemons etc.)! How can I share them with Berkeley Basket CSA?

We welcome donations (or "bumper crops") of home grown lemons, apples and other fruits to share with our members. We hope to be able to provide these ourselves as our fruit trees mature in the coming years. Email us and we can set up a drop off/pick-up time at one of three backyard locations.

  • Can I join mid-season?

Please check back with us in July for more information on our peak season shares!

  • This is a new food for me! What do I do with it?

Berkeley Basket CSA offers recipes in every weekly CSA Newsletter along with a description and historical context of any new crops! In the past, these foods looked like purslane, chayote, varieties of edible flowers etc.