About Us

Founded in 2010, the Berkeley Basket CSA is a cooperatively run, community-driven urban farm on occupied Ohlone Terriorty (Berkeley, CA). Berkeley Basket is currently managed by two farmers, Moretta Browne (any pronouns) and Marianne Olney-Hamel (they/them.) Moretta and Marianne grow annual vegetables using organic and ecological practices in 3 residential backyards in Berkeley. Thanks to the generous support of the homeowners who host the project, Berkeley Basket supplies 21 CSA members with vegetables and sometimes fruit, flowers and value-added products for 32 weeks of the year, from late March til the beginning of November.

Parsnips, fennel, carrots, lemons, radishes, lettuce mix, leeks, flowers and more in an early spring CSA share

A monarch butterfly enjoying a tithonia flower growing in a bed of cucumbers

Marianne (left) and Moretta (right) in front of a vining chayote squash plant